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Extended Family Friday Finale

For the final wrap-up of our Vermont adventures,

Lilah and I want to thank Grandma and Grandpa T

for having us!

Mommy because the help kept me sane and the sleep was much needed!


Lilah because she was spoiled rotten - although I have to say I think she totally deserves it!

We love you guys!!!

And now for some
"Awkward Family Photos"

"The Narcoleptic"

"The Conjoined Twins"

"The I Just Threw-up In My Mouth"

"The Zoolander" 

"The Broken Neck"

"The Semi-Surprised Stare"

Sorry guys - you have to know you're fair game!

(if you've never looked at the real website check it out 'cause it's hilarious)

1 comment:

  1. Not sure, but it looks like all the ackward moments were caused by either you or I, Tysie. Lilah and your dad are just doing their thing!


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