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Chicken-legs and Meat-sticks?

Continuing with the chicken theme...

It's been a little over one month

since I started supplementing Little Lilah with one 2 oz. bottle of formula before bed


drumroll please...

That's right - a 1 lb. gain in about four weeks!

This little lady's "chicken-legs" are well on their way

 to becoming full-fledged


A term of semi-endearment used in this house. 
As in, "Otis get your big-ass meat-sticks off the couch!" 
"Brian, use your meat-sticks and get it yourself."

Feel free to throw "meat-sticks" into your own daily vernacular, as we have yet to trademark it!

 Hopefully Lilah's meat-sticks will be a lot less hairy though...

or we're going to run into a few problems once the junior high years roll around?!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed my butt off at the use of meat sticks in a sentence.


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